Digital Media: Hybrid Final

For this assignment we had to combine some form of traditional media with digital media.

For my final I chose to stick with my idea of using flowers and the human figure. I wanted everything to be super bright and colorful.

I started out by creating a digital image using Adobe Illustrator. My image consisted of solid flower shapes and an outline of a female bust. After I had the digital image the way I wanted it I printed it out. Then, I colored my image using colored pencils and markers. Then I went in and added paper elements to the flowers and drew on top of them to give them a more illustrated look. After I had the flowers finished I drew in shapes of color behind them. Once I had that done I decided to add more flowers that I created on separate piece of paper and then glued onto the background of my image. Once I had that done I drew some partial flowers on a separate piece of paper and cut them out. Then I glued them onto the centers of some of the flowers and left the edges unglued and pulled them up to give a 3D element.


Digital Media: Final Proposal


For this assignment we have to create a work of art using both a digital media and traditional artistic media.

For my final assignment I want to combine painting and/or drawing with digital imagery.  I thought it would be cool to have a digitally created image and leave blank spaces that I will fill in with a combination of paint, marker, pencil, or charcoal.

I want to have digital images of flowers or nature elements and then draw or paint in a human figure. I want it to be illustrative and vibrant. I am also considering adding 3D or cut paper elements to the final image as well.

I haven’t committed to this idea, but I think this is the direction I want to go in for this assignment.


Digital Media: Postcard Assignment (Part 2)

In addition to our original post for this assignment we were required to post images of our altered postcard(s).

We were required to send one of the postcards in the mail and give the other to a student in a different Digital Media class taught by our professor.

Below are the images of the altered postcard:

The top two photographs are of the mailed postcard and the bottom two are from an unknown student in another class.


Alterations by Ashley Spangler



Alterations by Unknown

Digital Media: Human Movement

For this assignment we had to film a 1-2 minute video that shows human movement.

For my video I chose to film three of my nieces playing outside.  I wanted it to be very playful and happy.  I also wanted it to be silent, with a single song playing throughout the whole video.  I deleted the audio from each clip and replaced it all with a “cheery” instrumental song.  I think I was able to film footage that reflected this idea. I was also able to find a song that fit my video perfectly.



Digital Media: Human Movement Proposal

I really want to take a different approach from the other videos I’ve seen for this project. I want to do something fun and quite possibly silly. I thought it would be cool to film something with my nieces and nephews. I’m thinking of the title “Through the Eyes of a Child”. I want to film everything as if I were a child going through daily child-like activities. I might throw in some stop animation too. I am also considering treating the footage as a silent film with playful music playing throughout the video.



Digital Media: In-Class Video

For this assignment we had to film at least 12 video clips that were a minimum of 20 seconds in length. The clips could tell a story or be completely unrelated.

At the beginning of class, we were asked to draw the name of another classmate. We then received the footage of that person and had to edit their footage instead of our own.

I drew Ashley Spangler’s name. Her footage wasn’t necessarily related. I chose to tell a story of “a day out”.


Digital Media: 5×5 Video Assignment

For this assignment we had to create a 25 second video using Adobe Premiere Elements. The video had to be made-up of five, 5 second clips showing an artistic process. We were not allowed to use any video or audio editing effects other than cut for the video.

We then had to take that video and create a second video using the same clips and alter them in some way. We were required to edit the footage by modifying each clip using only the speed and/or direction.

For my video I chose to videotape the artistic process of painting.  I had my sister help me out with this. I decided to take videos of the way I go through this process. I wanted each clip to have different audio so I purposefully had no music in some and different songs playing in a few of the clips.

For the second video I just played around with the direction and speed. I tried a few different ways for each clip before I found a combination I was happy with.

I never worked with video before so this was a really fun project to work on.

Video 1:

Video 2 (edited):

Digital Media: Propaganda Poster


For this assignment we had to create a propaganda poster using Adobe Illustrator. We could create this using whatever imagery (within reason) we wanted to get our meaning across. We were also required to include text that would help convey the message we wanted.

For my propaganda poster I referenced the musical “Wicked” as a basis for my idea and I linked it with the American government.

I wanted to illustrate the similarities between the U.S. government and the Wizard of Oz.  In “Wicked” the Wizard of Oz is known as an all-powerful being, just like the U.S. government is an “all-powerful being” in America.  The Wizard makes the “Ozians” believe that nothing bad could happen in Oz, but the main character, Elphaba (the wicked witch) learns that there are bad things happening in Oz, and that the Wizard is actually behind them.  Similarly, the U.S. government makes us feel safe; and makes us believe that nothing truly “bad” could happen to us in America, when it can.

To create this poster I used an image of Elphaba from a Wicked the Musical poster and combined it with a sun ray image behind her. Then I found an image of the U.S. Capital and colorized it in Photoshop. I then placed the colorized capital into Illustrator and made it into a 3 color vector image. Then, to connect the foreground and background I found an image of the Emerald City and placed 3 various sizes at different opacities to make the final image more coherent.

Digital Media: GIF Assignment


For this assignment we had to create a GIF using Adobe Photoshop. We had to pick a piece of fine art that was either something we created in class, our own artwork, or a work of art found on the internet and animate that image in some way.

For my GIF I chose the painting, Dark Park by Leonid Afremov. I wanted to keep it simple so I chose to have the image start off being the original and morph into a simpler version of that painting. I created the GIF by using 9 different versions of the same image. I did this by adding the cutout filter to 8 of the layers. With each new layer I just changed the edge simplicity to abstract the image gradually.

This is the first time I have ever created a GIF. I found it to be quite simple. The hardest part was getting the image ready to be animated. Overall I think that my GIF came out alright and I enjoyed the process of making it.