Learning Philosophy

     I expect to make the best possible use of my time in the classroom.  I will also put in as much preparation before class as I need to in order to do my best.  I expect to do my best to meet the standards set before me by my educators.  I will expect my classmates to do the same.  I plan to do whatever is necessary in order to know the appropriate due dates for any projects which are my responsibility.  I will also research so that I know exactly what needs to be done in order to complete each one of these projects.  I will expect my peers to do the same. 

     My role as a learner is to listen and apply what I am being taught.  This will help me better myself and better those around me.      

     I’ve learned that I am a very visual learner.  I can usually grasp concepts fairly quickly when I am given proper instruction.  I have come to realize that the more questions I ask, the faster I can understand what I need to be doing.  I have also learned that sometimes trial and error can make for the best outcomes when it comes to art.

     As a student I need to work on prioritizing.  I need to get in the habit of setting aside specific times to work on individual assignments for each class.  I’ve noticed that far too often I overwhelm myself by grouping all of my assignments together.  I need to pace myself.  I also need to make sure I check for new assignments, changes to assignments, and additions to assignments every day in order to make sure I am up to date and not falling behind. 

Project Review

     Working on this project has taught me a lot about the importance of design and composition in artwork.  I’ve learned that a design must be planned out before permanent materials are placed onto a canvas.  Controlling where things will end up helps to create a fluent and complete piece of art. 

     I’ve learned that a composition is made up of positive space, but also negative space.  It is extremely important for them to work together in order to create a strong composition.  I’ve learned that carefully considering where each individual part goes is the key to making a piece of art successful as a whole.  I have also learned that no matter what type of art you make, it has a composition and design.  Knowing how to create a good composition can help you create more successful pieces of art.

     I was surprised to find out that every piece of art uses the same basic principles in order to make it successful.  I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly I began to consider those principles when creating my own works of art.

     I think I was able to create compositions that were visually stimulating and cohesive.  However, I believe I need to improve on my application skills.  I also need to take my time and really focus on the line qualities in my art.