Nick Cave

I found the Nick Cave interview to be very inspiring. I had never heard about Nick and the work that he does. After seeing his show in the gallery I became very intrigued. I wondered how he came up with all of the “out of the box” ideas. At the interview I enjoyed being hearing about his thought process behind his sound suits. I think it’s amazing how he has brought so many different artistic mediums together to make cohesive works of art. In his work he brings together music, art and dance. I’ve always been attracted to artists that have a different style. I love how Nick creates his work. The way he creates everything in an unscripted way is truly inspiring.

Project 3




For my method of chance I used bouncy balls and acrylic paint. I dunked the bouncy balls in the paint and bounced and rolled them across the paper.

For my second step I looked at my first step to find some interesting marks. I decided to use a series of paint splats that made an interesting form. Then I used black acrylic paint to create a version of that same paint splatter on a larger scale.

For my final step I decided to make a 3D version of the paint splatters. To create my sculpture I used an old black stuffed horse, metal fly swatter handles and women’s black stockings. I cut apart the stuffed horse and put a 5lb weight in the bottom so it could stand on its own. Then I reassembled the horse to look like the paint splatters. And I covered the metal fly swatter handles with the women’s stockings that I used to connect the pieces of the horse.

Site Specific Public Art Proposal


In this space I would create an organic shape that utilizes the shape of the spiral staircase.


In this space I would create a sculpture that stretches from the bottom of the staircase to the floor at the corner of the wall.


In this corner I would build a sculpture that cascades from the ceiling down to the floor like a waterfall.


In this corner space I would create a sculpture that would stretch out to both walls and come down to the ground.


In this space I would create a large sculpture that  the viewer could interact with. Possibly a dome or bridge shaped sculpture that could be walked under and around.


In this space I would create a sculpture that would fill the large archway and come down the stairs.


In this space I would create a large sculpture that would stem from the ground and reach towards the sky.


In this space I would create a large sculpture that would have openings all around it that the viewer could walk through.


In this space I would create a sculpture that would spiral across the top of the walkway.


In this space I would create a sculpture that would mimic the motion of a serpent.