Project 3




For my method of chance I used bouncy balls and acrylic paint. I dunked the bouncy balls in the paint and bounced and rolled them across the paper.

For my second step I looked at my first step to find some interesting marks. I decided to use a series of paint splats that made an interesting form. Then I used black acrylic paint to create a version of that same paint splatter on a larger scale.

For my final step I decided to make a 3D version of the paint splatters. To create my sculpture I used an old black stuffed horse, metal fly swatter handles and women’s black stockings. I cut apart the stuffed horse and put a 5lb weight in the bottom so it could stand on its own. Then I reassembled the horse to look like the paint splatters. And I covered the metal fly swatter handles with the women’s stockings that I used to connect the pieces of the horse.

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