Digital Media: Folded Book Project

For this project we had to create 16 pages using a combination of images that were sourced from the internet, our own image (a photograph we took ourselves) and a scanned element. Out of these images we had to create a folded book by placing each completed image into a template.

For my folded book I chose the theme “Nightmares”. I have always had creepy nightmares; some have been extremely bizarre and/or disturbing. I chose to use some of these nightmares as inspiration for my folded book images.

All of my pages were created with 2-3 images layered on top of each other. I decided that I wanted them all to have an illustrative quality to them, so I also added a filter that would give this effect on each image.

One thought on “Digital Media: Folded Book Project

  1. These are all super creepy – mission accomplished! Great job crating a very consistent aesthetic and mood by using a constrained, muted color palette and gritty filters. I’m sure I will sleep well tonight!

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