Digital Media: Propaganda Poster


For this assignment we had to create a propaganda poster using Adobe Illustrator. We could create this using whatever imagery (within reason) we wanted to get our meaning across. We were also required to include text that would help convey the message we wanted.

For my propaganda poster I referenced the musical “Wicked” as a basis for my idea and I linked it with the American government.

I wanted to illustrate the similarities between the U.S. government and the Wizard of Oz.  In “Wicked” the Wizard of Oz is known as an all-powerful being, just like the U.S. government is an “all-powerful being” in America.  The Wizard makes the “Ozians” believe that nothing bad could happen in Oz, but the main character, Elphaba (the wicked witch) learns that there are bad things happening in Oz, and that the Wizard is actually behind them.  Similarly, the U.S. government makes us feel safe; and makes us believe that nothing truly “bad” could happen to us in America, when it can.

To create this poster I used an image of Elphaba from a Wicked the Musical poster and combined it with a sun ray image behind her. Then I found an image of the U.S. Capital and colorized it in Photoshop. I then placed the colorized capital into Illustrator and made it into a 3 color vector image. Then, to connect the foreground and background I found an image of the Emerald City and placed 3 various sizes at different opacities to make the final image more coherent.

Digital Media: GIF Assignment


For this assignment we had to create a GIF using Adobe Photoshop. We had to pick a piece of fine art that was either something we created in class, our own artwork, or a work of art found on the internet and animate that image in some way.

For my GIF I chose the painting, Dark Park by Leonid Afremov. I wanted to keep it simple so I chose to have the image start off being the original and morph into a simpler version of that painting. I created the GIF by using 9 different versions of the same image. I did this by adding the cutout filter to 8 of the layers. With each new layer I just changed the edge simplicity to abstract the image gradually.

This is the first time I have ever created a GIF. I found it to be quite simple. The hardest part was getting the image ready to be animated. Overall I think that my GIF came out alright and I enjoyed the process of making it.

Digital Media: Propaganda Proposal

For this week’s assignment we are creating a propaganda poster using Adobe Illustrator. We are allowed to create this using whatever imagery (within reason) to convey whatever meaning we want. The poster must include text that can easily convey the message we are trying to get across to the viewer.

For my propaganda poster I want to use the musical “Wicked” (which is a back story to the Wizard of Oz) as a basis for my idea and link it with the American government. In “Wicked” the Wizard of Oz is known as an all-powerful being. Because he is in Oz, the “Ozians” believe that nothing bad could ever happen there. But through a series of unfortunate events the main character, Elphaba (the wicked witch) learns that there are actually some really terrible things happening in Oz, and that the Wizard is actually behind them.

I thought it would be interesting to make the United States Capital look like the Wizard’s palace in the Emerald City. This symbolizes the fact that our government is “an all-powerful being”, and because of this we sometimes believe that nothing truly bad could happen to us. We think that the terrible things that happen in other parts of the world could never reach us, but they can.

I want the poster to be as if Elphaba is the spokesperson for Oz, and she is telling them that nothing bad could happen in Oz. The text I want to use will say “It couldn’t happen here in Oz”.


Digital Media: Identity

For this assignment we had to create a quadriptych with the theme of “identity” using Adobe Illustrator. Each of the four images had to include hand drawn elements. They also needed to be related to one another in some way. All of the images used for this project were required to be vector based as well.

For my quadriptych I wanted to reference my obsession with Disney. I specifically wanted to focus on four of my favorite Disney princesses: Cinderella, Belle, Ariel and Elsa. I also relate to some of the characteristics and personalities of each of these princesses (which is probably why I like them so much). So I decided to make myself into a Disney character put into the roles of these princesses.

To create my images I started with a hand drawn image of a “Disneyfied” me and then scanned that image onto the computer. Then I created shoulders and a chest in Photoshop. Then I colored the image using Photoshop as well. After that I placed the image into Illustrator and drew the four princesses’ dresses/seashells onto the “Disneyfied” me. Then I took background images from each princess movie and created new vector images for the backgrounds for each princess.

Digital Media: Postcard Assignment

For this assignment we have to create a postcard using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. For the front image on the postcard we are required to incorporate a vector based image (created in Illustrator) and a pixel based image. Our assignment is to create an interactive postcard that will be sent to someone for them to alter and return to us.  We are required to attach a list of instructions on the back of the postcard explaining what we want the receiver to do with it. We will be printing two copies of the postcard. One to be mailed and the other one will be given to a student in another Digital Media class. When the altered postcard is returned to us we are to document the changes and post a final blog with the end results.

For my postcard I used two images from my self-portrait assignment. I chose to use the portrait of myself and the background that I used in that project. The expression on my face and the angle of my head made me look like I was pondering something. So, for my assignment I want the recipient to draw what they think I am thinking about. I created a thought bubble on the front of the postcard for the recipient to carry out this task. I also don’t want to limit them to only that space and instructed them to draw whatever else they want on the rest of the card.

mcintosh_postcard_front mcintosh_postcard_back