Digital Media: Propaganda Poster


For this assignment we had to create a propaganda poster using Adobe Illustrator. We could create this using whatever imagery (within reason) we wanted to get our meaning across. We were also required to include text that would help convey the message we wanted.

For my propaganda poster I referenced the musical “Wicked” as a basis for my idea and I linked it with the American government.

I wanted to illustrate the similarities between the U.S. government and the Wizard of Oz.  In “Wicked” the Wizard of Oz is known as an all-powerful being, just like the U.S. government is an “all-powerful being” in America.  The Wizard makes the “Ozians” believe that nothing bad could happen in Oz, but the main character, Elphaba (the wicked witch) learns that there are bad things happening in Oz, and that the Wizard is actually behind them.  Similarly, the U.S. government makes us feel safe; and makes us believe that nothing truly “bad” could happen to us in America, when it can.

To create this poster I used an image of Elphaba from a Wicked the Musical poster and combined it with a sun ray image behind her. Then I found an image of the U.S. Capital and colorized it in Photoshop. I then placed the colorized capital into Illustrator and made it into a 3 color vector image. Then, to connect the foreground and background I found an image of the Emerald City and placed 3 various sizes at different opacities to make the final image more coherent.

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