Digital Media: 5×5 Video Assignment

For this assignment we had to create a 25 second video using Adobe Premiere Elements. The video had to be made-up of five, 5 second clips showing an artistic process. We were not allowed to use any video or audio editing effects other than cut for the video.

We then had to take that video and create a second video using the same clips and alter them in some way. We were required to edit the footage by modifying each clip using only the speed and/or direction.

For my video I chose to videotape the artistic process of painting.  I had my sister help me out with this. I decided to take videos of the way I go through this process. I wanted each clip to have different audio so I purposefully had no music in some and different songs playing in a few of the clips.

For the second video I just played around with the direction and speed. I tried a few different ways for each clip before I found a combination I was happy with.

I never worked with video before so this was a really fun project to work on.

Video 1:

Video 2 (edited):

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