Digital Media: Hybrid Final

For this assignment we had to combine some form of traditional media with digital media.

For my final I chose to stick with my idea of using flowers and the human figure. I wanted everything to be super bright and colorful.

I started out by creating a digital image using Adobe Illustrator. My image consisted of solid flower shapes and an outline of a female bust. After I had the digital image the way I wanted it I printed it out. Then, I colored my image using colored pencils and markers. Then I went in and added paper elements to the flowers and drew on top of them to give them a more illustrated look. After I had the flowers finished I drew in shapes of color behind them. Once I had that done I decided to add more flowers that I created on separate piece of paper and then glued onto the background of my image. Once I had that done I drew some partial flowers on a separate piece of paper and cut them out. Then I glued them onto the centers of some of the flowers and left the edges unglued and pulled them up to give a 3D element.


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